Take control of your company’s future

Forecasting and planning using artificial intelligence

Forecast what is relevant for you

Are you interested in your future sales or profits? Or in your maintenance requirements? Or in the number of visitors you can expect? FCast™ makes predictions on elements that are relevant for you. Up to 24 months in advance.

Artificial intelligence tailored to your situation

State-of-the-art machine learning technologies analyse and forecast using your own internal data and various external data sources. The technologies are tailored specifically to your situation and learn automatically as soon as new data become available.

FCast maakt gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie afgestemd op uw situatie
FCast maakt gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie afgestemd op uw situatie

Cloud-based processing power

All intensive calculations take place using our powerful calculation servers. This means that you can access powerful forecasting engines directly from your own devices. Wherever you are.

See all forecasts in one handy overview

Forecasts can be presented on various levels, such as total, warehouse or customer level. As well as forecast level, you view the order probability. Forecasts with a low order probability are automatically greyed out. Any forecasts that need attention, such as outliers, are highlighted automatically.

See your key sales drivers at a glance

You can view the forecasts in detail for each product. You can also immediately view the drivers of your forecasts: which factors determine the pattern and level of the forecasts? Bandwidths relating to the forecasts can also be used to view various future scenarios. This enables you to stay in control of your risks. 

Stay in total control

Forecasts can always be modified by your planners. You can make modifications based on insights from your sales and marketing team, for instance.  Such manual modifications are logged, and you can add comments. Automated links even enable the upload of forecasts from third parties (such as prognoses from retailers). You can decide yourself per product which forecasts you ultimately wish to use and export to your other systems.

FCast ondersteunt bij het optimaliseren van de productie door prognoses te berekenen en productievoorstellen te doen

Forecast what is relevant for you

Are you interested in your future sales or profits? Or in your maintenance requirements? Or in the number of visitors you can expect? FCast™ makes predictions on elements that are relevant for you. Up to 24 months in advance.

State-of-the-art machine learning technieken analyseren en voorspellen de afzet

Artificial intelligence tailored to your situation

State-of-the-art machine learning technologies analyse and forecast using your own internal data and various external data sources. The technologies are tailored specifically to your situation and learn automatically as soon as new data become available.

FCast maakt gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie afgestemd op uw situatie, hiervoor worden onze krachtige rekenservers gebruikt.

Cloud-based processing power

All intensive calculations take place using our powerful calculation servers. This means that you can access powerful forecasting engines directly from your own devices. Wherever you are.

FCast: In de overzicht tab zijn alle producten de voorspellingen te zien. De voorspellingen worden gecontroleerd op kwaliteit en opvallende voorspellingen worden gemarkeerd.

See all forecasts in one handy overview

Forecasts can be presented on various levels, such as total, warehouse or customer level. As well as forecast level, you view the order probability. Forecasts with a low order probability are automatically greyed out. Any forecasts that need attention, such as outliers, are highlighted automatically.

See your key sales drivers at a glance

You can view the forecasts in detail for each product. You can also immediately view the drivers of your forecasts: which factors determine the pattern and level of the forecasts? Bandwidths relating to the forecasts can also be used to view various future scenarios. This enables you to stay in control of your risks.

FCast: De voorspellingen kunnen naar inzicht van de planner worden aangepast. Deze aanpassingen automatisch gelogd.

Stay in total control

Forecasts can always be modified by your planners. You can make modifications based on insights from your sales and marketing team, for instance.  Such manual modifications are logged, and you can add comments. Automated links even enable the upload of forecasts from third parties (such as prognoses from retailers). You can decide yourself per product which forecasts you ultimately wish to use and export to your other systems.

Add-ons of FCast™

How other companies use FCast™

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